yijing chen
Hello, thanks for stopping by. I'm yijing.
I'm a phd candidate at the Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University.
I'm currently visiting the Center for Information Networks and Democracy, University of Pennsylvania.
I received my masters from the School of Information, University of Michigan.
I study online political communication and political belief system.
I'm interested in how things (mis)align between online and offline.
I work with social media data (a lot) and survey data (a bit).
I build networks and use computational models to explore structural patterns.
I love to talk about data access and discovering new bizzare Internet corners.
Feel free to say hi via [myfirstname]2022 at gmail dot com.
Or, if you'd prefer to explore quietly, here's my resume.
I sometimes tweet and post photos, like every other online kid.
Here are some networks I sometimes like to stare at.
1. Response Item Network (ResIN) generated using GSS 2022.
2. Researcher following networks from Twitter/X (collected in April 2022)
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